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The 4th ASEAN Culture House Design Contest
The 4th ASEAN Culture House Design Contest will be accepting submissions in design-related areas (posters, illustrations, web toons, etc.) based on the theme “ASEAN in Korea, Korea in ASEAN.” Submissions can be about cultural elements of ASEAN found in Korea, cultural elements of Korea found in ASEAN, observations of interactions between people from ASEAN and Korea or 2021 as the Mekong-ROK Exchange Year. Each submission will be evaluated in four areas: thematic appropriateness (whether the contest’s theme is reflected by the artwork), level of sophistication of the design and/or plot, originality (whether the artwork is expressed from an original and creative perspective), and utility (possibility of the submission being put to a practical use). Scores from the judges’ evaluations will be combined with the results of a national online vote to determine the contest winners. The total prize amount is KRW 23 million, and the grand prize winner will be given a ministerial citation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to these prizes, contest winners will receive the opportunity to have their artwork displayed in the ACH’s Special Exhibition Gallery from mid-August through October, an invaluable chance to contribute to cultural exchange activities held at the ACH during this period.
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