페이스북 바로가기 인스타그램 바로가기 유튜브 바로가기 트위터 바로가기
On the 3rd and 4th of February, 95 elementary students and their families participated in a special winter program of the ASEAN Culture House, titled “The ASEAN Project (ASEAN and Korea Embrace the World),” held at the Seminar Room on the second floor. In the mornings, they enjoyed the sand art performances by Chae Seung-wung who used his impressive skills to introduce the cultural heritages of ten ASEAN countries. They also had a go themselves at creating nature scenes and portraits of famous people from ASEAN using sand. In the afternoon of the first day, the students and their families learned about Sungnyemun, the famous gate in downtown Seoul that is Korea's National Treasure No. 1, from pop-up book artist Jeong Geun-hwa, and had an opportunity to their own pop-up books. The activities over the two days of the program provided participants with the opportunity to become more familiar with ASEAN countries.
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