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The five-month second term of this year’s AKF was a welcome revitalizer for all of its participants. A slew of special, not to mention memorable, events were featured, kicking off with the Global Gathering 2018, followed by the AKF participant-driven Taste of ASEAN: Cooking Contest, the inaugural Quiz on ASEAN, and the ACH Invitation Program for Members of the ASEAN Fan Club of Hallyu. We are also very grateful for the new relationships formed between ACH faculty and ASEAN natives over the course of the event period, while providing assistance to AKF participants and programming. Most importantly, the significance of this year’s AKF can be found in the collaborative activities with people from ASEAN, all the while learning to put aside misconceptions about ASEAN to grow more familiar with not only ASEAN culture, but the people themselves. The event is anticipated to advocate a greater interest among Koreans while enriching the appreciation of ASEAN countries, its culture, and its people.
KF 글로벌 e스쿨
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