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[FRIDE] 한미희 1개월차

  • 등록일 2015.11.16
[KF 싱크탱크 인턴십] 월간 보고서

월간 보고서 (2)

소속: 이화여자대학교 국제대학원 석사과정

1. Working at the FRIDE


FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior) or in English ‘Foundation for International Relations and Foreign Dialogue’ is a European think tank for global action, which provides innovative thinking and rigorous analysis of key debates in international relations. The mission is to inform policy and practice in order to ensure that the European Union (EU) plays a more effective role in supporting multilateralism, democratic values, security and sustainable development.
Founded in 1999, it is headquartered in Madrid and Brussels, FRIDE seeks to enhance the southern European perspective within EU debates and the European perspective within Spain.

FRIDE’s research priorities include:
  - EU foreign and security policy in the reshaped global order
  - The extended neighbourhood of the EU to the South and to the East
  - EU strategic partnerships, emerging Asia and Latin America

FRIDE’s Research Areas include:
  - European Foreign Policies
  - The new global order
  - Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia   - The Middle East and North Africa
  - Africa, Asia and the Americas

Ongoing Projects (as of 2015)

1. Agora Asia-Europe
- Monitor the EU’s approach and policy development towards Asia, within the broader perspective of Asia’s position in world politics.
- Raise awareness among European and Asian policy-makers and civil society on the importance of Asia-EU relations.
- Build a wider network of experts, practitioners and policy-makers dealing with EU-Asia affairs.

2. Atlantic Future
- Analyse fundamental trends in the Atlantic basin and to show how changing economic, energy, security, human, institutional and environmental links are transforming the wider area.
- This project constitutes an unprecedented endeavour to link consolidated research lines with emerging ones within an interdisciplinary approach, and to new tools that will serve the wider scientific and policy communities.

3. CASCADE Exploring the Security-Democracy Nexus in the Caucasus
- Analyses the root causes of conflict and insecurity in the Caucasus, the links between the region and its wider neighbourhood, and regional security and democratization processes.
- By conducting synergetic research on democracy and security in the Caucasus, the project intends to develop a set of proposals on how the EU could enhance its role in the region.

- Scrutinise European policies towards Central Asia, paying specific attention to security, development and the promotion of democratic values within the context of Central Asia’s position in world politics.
- Enhance knowledge of Europe’s engagement with Central Asia through top-quality research and by raising awareness among European policy-makers and civil society representatives, as well as discuss European policies among Central Asian communities.
- Expand the network of experts and institutions from European countries and Central Asian states and provide a forum to debate on European-Central Asian relations.

5. European Strategic Partnerships Observatory
- Provides information and analysis on the EU’s relations with its strategic partners and on the connection between bilateral partnerships and multilateral cooperation.
- The purpose is to monitor the evolution of the partnerships, collect data and provide a regular stream of timely, tailor-made analyses from experts in Europe and beyond.

6. Geopolitics and transitions in the Arab World
- In collaboration with the Dutch development organisation HIVOS and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway - aims to assess current trends in MENA geopolitical shifts and their linkages with domestic reform dynamics, in order to explore how these developments are likely to impact on the work and standing of international actors.

7. GREEN (Global Reordering European Networks)
- Aims at understanding the prospective directions of the emerging global governance structures and Europe’s place in them.
- The analysis focuses on the extant actors from the 20th century, 21st century rising powers, increasingly influential non-state actors (from civil and non-civil society) and the new transnational regulatory networks of public and private policy-makers and regional agencies.
(For further information please refer to www.fride.org, “Projects”)


CASCADE is an international EU-funded research project led by the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. CASCADE was selected under the EU FP7 call for proposal “Security and Democracy in the neighborhood: The case of the Caucasus”. The project is funded by the European Union and duration is 3 years (2014-2017).
The project ives include following points: 1) scrutinize Caucasian states and societies for the root causes of conflict and insecurity, 2) conduct synergetic research on democracy and security in the Caucasus, 3) analyze the links between the region and its wider neighborhood, 4) provide forward-looking analysis on regional security and democratization processes and 5) develop a set of proposals on how the EU could enhance its role in the region.

CASCADE brings together 9 research centers and institutes from across the EU, Russia and the Caucasus:
  - Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham
  - FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, Spain)
  - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI, Sweden)
  - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
  - Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)
  - Center for National and International Studies (CNIS, Azerbaijan)
  - Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS, Georgia)
  - International Center for Human Development (ICHD, Armenia)

*The “progress report” regarding each work projects I am working on will be updated in Monthly basis, thus essential info of the will remain unchanged.
•The progress report during Second month of Internship (01/10/2015~02/11/2015)

1) Georgian Regional Statistics
- Research on Economy, Demography and Social aspects of Georgia was accomplished through the proposed statistics website.
- Email exchanges with Andreas and partner, on concerning issues such as definitions and missing data.
- Updated the Georgian statistics with calculation, wrote the explanation on the methods of calculation and sent to Andreas as a response.
- Report to Alba concerning the missing data and calculation matters.
- Waiting for the feedback prior sending the actual email to Andreas.

2) ATLAS Project as part of CASCADE
- Research on all the flights from Baku International Airport (Azerbaijan), including four additional airports of the country.
- Air Astana, Azerbaijan Airlines, British Airways, Qatar Airways, avia24.net, google flights, airport official websites and etc., were used as a reference.
- Wrote a note explaining about the methods and calculations on the flight data of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.
- Wrote an email to Andreas with Jakob with the Excel file attached on flight data.

3) CASCADE Database Contacts and Network
- Responsible for checking the cascade database excel file sheet of “University” section. Total of 134 contacts were checked, searched and highlighted in relevancy order.
- Checked the cascade database excel file sheet for “No organization” section. Total of 101 contacts were double checked. Total of 62 contacts were identified.

1.3 KF & FRIDE Joint Research Paper

As part of the MOU conditions between FRIDE and KF (Korea Foundation), the intern should submit the research paper conducted by him/herself at the end of the entire internship. The theme, thesis, terms and conditions of the final research paper should be consulted with the designated supervisor from FRIDE.
After having agreed decisions on the conditions of research paper, the intern can start conducting research, using the vast amount of research tools in FRIDE. The research should be revised and receive feedback from the supervisor in regular term. In any case of difficulties, intern should report to supervisor and consult in advance, in order to prevent deterioration of problem and quality of research paper.

*The “progress report” regarding each work projects I am working on will be updated in Monthly basis, thus essential info of the will remain unchanged.
•The progress report during Second month of Internship (01/10/2015~02/11/2015)

1) KF & FRIDE Joint Research Paper Summary Writings
  - Wrote a summary of key reading: “Armenia and the Eurasian Economic Union: The view from Yerevan” European Council on Foreign Relations (2015), commentary by Richard Giragosian.
  - Wrote a summary of key reading: “Eurasian Economic Union: Undergoing A Durability Test” Russian Analytical Digest, by Gennady Chufrin, Moscow (Center of Security Studies)
  - Wrote a summary of key reading: “The First Steps of the Eurasian Economic Union: Disputes, Initiatives and Results”, Russian Analytical Digest by Kateryna Boguslavska, Zurich (Center for Security Studies)
  - Searched on additional reading materials with key words: Georgia-Armenia relationship, South Caucasus and EEU, etc.
  - Wrote a summary of key reading: “The Eurasian Union and the European Union Redefining their Neighborhood: the Case of the South Caucasus” Caucasus Analytical Digest No. 51-52 (2013), commentary by Iris Kempe. Center for Security Studies.

2) KF & FRIDE Joint Research Paper
  - Outline of the paper is roughly finalized.
  - Research on relevant Trade Data of Armenia and Georgia.
  - Research on trade analysis, economy analysis on Armenia and Georgia.
  - Referred to ADB, EBRD, World Bank, IMF, OECD Stats and EEU papers.

3) Trade Data on Armenia
  - Transferring data from PDF to Excel on Armenia´s Agriculture 2014 (2011, 12, 13)
  - Transferring data from PDF to Excel on Armenia´s Construction 2014 (2011, 12, 13)
  - Transferring data from PDF to Excel on Armenia´s Industry 2014 (2011, 12, 13)
  - Allocating data on Armenia in Figures 2014 (2011, 12, 13)
  - Allocating data on Armenia´s External Economic Activity 2014 (CIS and other countries)
  - Transferring data from PDF to Excel on Armenia´s External Trade 2014 (Yearbook)
  - Analysing the data on Foreign Trade of Armenia for 2014
  - Analysing the data on Foreign Trade Structure of Armenia for 2011-2014
  - Analysing the data on GDP Allocation and Production of Armenia for 2011-2013
  - Transferring data from PDF to Excel on Armenia´s Prices and Tariffs 2014 (2011, 12, 13)

4) KF Research Project and Reading materials
  - Searched for more than 24 reading materials on EEU, EU and the Caucasus.
  - Sent an email with 18 attachments of reading lists to Jos, Natalia and Giovanni.
  - Still reading the relevant materials for the outlining the KF research paper.
  - Writing a summary on the reading materials of what I read.

2. Others

*The “progress report” regarding each work projects I am working on will be updated in Monthly basis, thus essential info of the will remain unchanged.
•The progress report during Second month of Internship (01/10/2015~02/11/2015)

1) Events and Seminars
  - Participation of the seminar on “The EU, New Zealand and a new generation FTA: Opportunities for Spain” funded by Casa Asia and New Zealand Embassy on Tuesday (06/10/2015)
  - Participated the seminar meeting on Moldova’s international relations, politics and domestic issues from Vice-ambassador at FRIDE on Wednesday (21/10/2015)
  - Invitation from INCIPE on Debate “From Wales to Warsaw: Challenges Ahead” on Friday (30/10/2015) but could not participate.

2) Brief Note on Japan politics, for the preparation of ambassador´s visit to FRIDE
  - Research on Japan international relations, politics, sports and news.
  - Copy and pasting the news for further summary and Briefing note to Magdalena.
  - Update on Japan’s News finalized and submitted to Magdalena (Deputy Director)
  - The contents include domestic, economy, military, foreign relations and other headlines.

3) The 1st KF Monthly Report
  - Total length of 11 pages, wrote and submitted KF monthly report for the working period of 01/09/2015~02/10/2015.
  - Contents include Introduction, Working at the FRIDE, Madrid and Others, with additional information and sub contents.

4) Other Minor Works
  - Translation assistance from Russian to English of the text article on the recent FRIDE article publication on “The South Caucasus Concert: Each playing its own tune”.
  - Consultation with Giovanni and Natalia on the paper outline.
  - Email exchange with Natalia, regarding the KF Paper.
  - Follow up on CASCADE Network email exchanges, however not active participation on it yet.