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*유튜브 생중계는 6.17(수) 17:00부터 진행됩니다.
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COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities
Date & Time June 17 17:00 (Korea) June 17, 10:00 (Stockholm)
Organizer Korea Foundation (KF)
COVID-19 Across the Globe: The Cases of South Korea and Sweden
Opening Remarks - Geun LEE - President, Korea Foundation
Moderator⁄Speaker - Jerome KIM - Director General, International Vaccine Institute
Speaker - Youngmee JEE - Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University ⁄ Special Representative for Health Diplomacy, Korea Foundation
Speaker - Charlotta STERN - Professor of Sociology, Stockholm University ⁄ Deputy CEO, Ratio Institute
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